Our projects

Washable Pads

ICT Project

Water Filters

Evangelism & Discipleship

Washable Pads

Young women from impoverished areas in Ghana face a dilemma. They aspire to attend school but are unable to do so during their menstruation due to a lack of financial means to purchase sanitary pads. This results in significant absenteeism and, ultimately, school dropout. Washable pads offer a sustainable solution to enable these young women to continue attending school. 


"I must admit that the intervention you made regarding my girls' sanitary pads has brought a lot of improvement this time. No more absenteeism, and we have not recorded any dropouts since the distribution of the pads. May God continue to increase you." - A message from a school director where we distributed the pads. 


The washable pads are locally crafted by a fashion designer. When distributing the pads, it is crucial to provide education simultaneously on sexuality, menstruation, and the proper use of the product. 

ICT Project

Students in Ghana are required to take an ICT exam, yet often lack access to computers or laptops. Classes are conducted by drawing the computer screen on the chalkboard with a stone serving as a makeshift mouse. For schools without ICT capabilities, we financially support the purchase of laptops and computers or ship them from the Netherlands to Ghana. 

Water Filters

Poor water and sanitation conditions contribute to illness and mortality in Ghana. Clean tap water is scarce in most areas. A small-scale solution is water filters sold by the IBOTA foundation without VAT costs. The small water filter serves a family (approximately 4 people) for two years, providing clean water. A larger filter can be connected to a tap and has a replaceable filter. In the future, we hope to explore large-scale projects accessible to a broader audience or collaborate with other organizations. Currently, we focus on families and small communities. Receivers are educated about the importance of good sanitary conditions, including handwashing, hygiene, and the significance of clean water. 

Evangelism & Discipleship

Hope & Growth Foundation believes that transformation begins with the hope and love of Jesus Christ. We aim to reach out to the communities where our volunteers are situated. If people are open to it, we want to walk alongside them. We also strive to maintain close contact with the people we encounter, emphasizing the establishment of long-term relationships. 

Get Involved

Do you have a passion for those in hopeless situations? Do you want to offer a chance to those in need?

We are always looking for people to support our work, whether it's financially, through prayer, or in practical ways. Any suggestions or questions are always welcome. Contact us for more information.